International Agreement Procedure


After the submission is uploaded, OVPIA will route it to the Provost, Offshore Programs and International Affiliations Committee, IU General Counsel, the IU Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, and the President. The agreement may require further edits after these reviews. If a version of the agreement in the partner’s language is also to be signed, the department must provide it at this time. Not all agreements require all these signatures. College International and OVPIA can help determine which signatures are needed and route the agreement properly.

Upon approval, two hard copies of the signed documents will be sent to College International, who will work with the department to secure the remaining signatures. For IU, this involves signatures within the College – the associate dean and perhaps the department chair. For the partner university, the department will obtain signatures of the appropriate representative(s). This may be done by sending the two original documents by express mail (FedEx) so that the partner may sign them, keep one copy for itself, and return the other to the department. Alternatively, a representative of the department or a member of the IU administration traveling to the partner country can obtain signatures in person; leaving one copy and retaining the other for IU. In some instances, a special signing ceremony may be arranged to coincide with a senior official’s travel.

A final, fully signed scanned copy of the agreement must be provided to OVPIA’s Office of International Partnerships (

After retaining a copy for themselves, departments should send the signed hard copy of the agreement to College International, Owen Hall Room 205A.